Rental Facilities

Zeeland Charter Township has two rental facilities: Drenthe Community Grove Dozeman Center, and the Community Center.  Rental times for both facilities are from 12:00 noon until 10:00 pm.  No alcoholic beverages, no smoking and no excessive noise are allowed. 

To inquire about availability, please call the Township Office, 772-6701.

Drenthe Grove Dozeman Center: 

Located at 615 68th Ave., Zeeland, Michigan. Click here for map. It seats approximately 150 people and has a refrigerator and stove. There are 24 - 8' tables and approximately 200 chairs. The building is air conditioned.  Please call the Township Office at (616) 772-6701 for scheduling.



The Community Center 

Located at 2446 64th Ave., Zeeland, Michigan.  Click here for map. It seats approimately 80 people, has 11 - 8' rectangular tables, 70-80 chairs, a refrigerator, and a stove. The building is air conditioned. Please call the Township Office at (616) 772-6701 for scheduling.