Public Notice:
The Feb. 11th Planning Commission Meeting has been cancelled due to lack of agenda items.
Notice of Meeting
Zeeland Charter Township Zoning Board of Appeals
Variance Request
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to PA 110 of 2006, the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) of Zeeland Charter Township will deliberate the following variance application on Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2025, at 7:00p.m., at the Zeeland Charter Township Office located at 6582 Byron Road, Zeeland, MI.
The application received is as follows:
A request from Jason VanKoevering, Owner of property located at 6015 Riley Street, also known as permanent parcel 70-17-11-300-014, for a variance to construct a 32’ x 60’ addition to an existing pole barn that would be closer to the side lot line than is permitted by Ordinance. The variance will provide relief from Section 3.12F, 5.03 (Side Yard Setback) and all other applicable provisions of the Zeeland Charter Township Zoning Ordinance.
A copy of the application is available for review at the Township Hall during regular business hours.
This meeting is intended to provide an opportunity for Township residents and interested citizens to express their opinions, ask questions, and discuss all aspects of the request. Those unable to attend the public hearing are invited to submit written comments to the attention of the Zoning Administrator at the Township Hall address cited above. Written comments must be received prior to the meeting.
If any resident has a physical disability which may limit his/her participation in this hearing, please notify the Township Hall at least five (5) days prior to the hearing so that reasonable accommodation may be made.