The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) consists of seven members appointed by the Township Board. One member must be a Planning Commission member and one member must be from the Township Board. The remaining ZBA members must be Township electors. Each member’s term is three years; unless filling a vacancy, all vacancies are filled for the remainder of the term. The ZBA hears and decides from any order, requirement, decision or determination made by any administrative official charged with zoning ordinance enforcement. It also hears and decides all other matters referred to it in the Township Zoning Ordinance. Variances may be granted if practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship will result from conforming to the Ordinance, provided the spirit of the ordinance is observed, public safety secured and substantial justice done. Hardships should not be self-created and some unique circumstances involving the property in question should be evident to support a variance. Meetings must be requested 30 days in advance.
Member Tim Miedema, Planning Commission Liaison
Member Rich DeLeau
Member Russell Mudget
Member Jeff Salisbury, Township Board Liaison
Member Dirk Pyle
Member Steve Walters, Chairperson
Member Ben Zwagerman
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month if requested.
Regular Meeting - $500.00
Special Request Meeting - $750.00
9 copies of all prints need to be submitted 30 days prior to date of meeting.
(Weekends inclusive).
Click here for a Variance Request Form.