The Planning Commission consists of nine members appointed by the Supervisor with Township Board approval. One member of the Planning Commission shall be a Township Board member. Members must be qualified Township electors. The basic function of the Planning Commission, is to make and adopt a plan for the Township’s land use and development. This master plan should include maps, charts and descriptive material. The Planning Commission is required to review any plats or subdivisions and make a recommendation prior to Township board action. The Commission also conducts public hearings and advises the Township Board regarding establishing and amending the Township Zoning Ordinances which establish land development regulations and land development districts and zones. Terms for Planning Commission members are three years and the term for each officer is one year.
Chairperson Karen Krueze
Commissioner Robert Brower
Commissioner Tim Miedema
Commissioner Ron Brink,Township Board Liaison
Commissioner Dennis Russcher
Commissioner Don Steenwyk
Commissioner Steve Nelson
Commissioner Randy Jarzembowski
Commissioner Troy Nykamp
Meetings are monthly the second Tuesday of the month. Requests for special meetings with the Planning Commission must be in at least 30 days in advance of the meeting date. Zoning requests must also be made at least 30 days in advance of the meeting date.
Regular Meeting - $750.00
Special Request Meeting - $1,000.00
PUD Meetings - $1,000.00
11 copies of all prints need to be submitted 30 days prior to date of meeting.
(Weekends inclusive)
Rezoning/Zoning Amendment Application
Site Plan Review Application
Special Land Use Application
Planning Commission Request Form for PUD or Plat Approval
Master Plan 2019
Zoning Map 2023
Zoning Ordinance