Township Parks

Drenthe Community Grove is a 20 acre parcel of land located at 615 68th Ave.  Click here for a map. The Grove has playground equipment, a ball field, a beach volleyball court, 2 tennis courts, basketball court, pickleball court and shaded picnic areas open to the public.  There is also a  0.7 mile paved walkway, fishing pond and a picnic shelter.  We invite you to come make use of the current facilities when you have time to relax or exercise.The Dozeman Center at Drenthe Grove is an all season building that is available for rental.  It seats approximately 150 people and has a refrigerator, freezer and stove.  Call the Township Office (772-6701) for scheduling.

VanZoeren Woods is a 34 acre parcel of land which lays along side of the Expressway at the corner of 56th Avenue and Riley Street.  Look for a park sign on the east side of the road.  You will find a newly improved parking lot at the trail head.  This piece of land is unique in its timbered, gullied, wild flower resources.  It is a beautiful piece of land to simply walk through and enjoy.   As the seasons change, feel free to walk carefully through this property and enjoy its beauty. 

In the paths in VanZoeren Woods.  Click here to view the trails.  The blue lines are the creek pathways.  The grey lines are intended to be hard surface pathways.  The red lines will be unimproved pathways.